Distributions available

Alphabetical classification of the 10 better distributions

Type of Package
Version / Kernel
Debian .deb Sarge 3.1, Kernel 2.4.25
Always very stable, with a follow-up important level safety, soon available in final version ? undoubtedly
Fedora Core .rpm 2.0 , 2.6.5
RedHat news, Community development
Gentoo .ebuild 2004.2, 2.4.26/2.6.7
Criticized by the policy of its direction, the gentoo became Community...
Mandrake .rpm 10, 2.4.25/2.6-3
Last Mandrake (official version).
Mepis .deb 2003.10, 2.4.25
new distrubution Debian between Knoppix and Mandrake, to follow closely, of very near, really...
Navin OS .ebuild, 2004.7, 2.6.5
Gentoo Live directed rebuilding
Rubyx .bz2,.xxx Votre version
An amusing manner to create its own distribution in Ruby...
SuSE .rpm 9.1, 2.6.4
SuSE was repurchased by Novell, Yast is Libre, an adversary of size for the MDK...
TinySofa .rpm 2.0rc1, 2.6.7.x
TinySofa is a distribution waiter a little particular, but oh how much interesting and reliable...
Yoper .tgz/.deb/.rpm 2.9.1, 2.6.7
A distribution which made run D ink’much, but what becomes aujourd’today ?...


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